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ANSE was born in 1973, with the target of monitoring, preserve and disseminate of Nature and the Environment. Since its beginning, ANSE has worked on the protection of the sea and the coast, fighting against the pollution and coastal destruction. Thanks to the boat Else, in 1998, ANSE improved their work related with the sea and the coast, because its sea and its biodiversity’s study went deeper, pointing in cetaceans, sea turtles and sea birds. . +info
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CIIMAR-Madeira is a private, non-profit organization based in Madeira Island. It is a unique organization specialized on insular environments, which is currently involved in the development of fundamental and applied scientific research, both in atmospheric and marine sciences. One of the main goals of our institution is to assist the decision making process, providing scientific knowledge and technology transfer to private companies, state and regional public agencies. +info
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GreenRope Italia born in 2013 in the heart of Puglia (Italy) from passion and from the energy of ideas of a group of young people. Our local and European projects are based, overall, in the protection and conservation of the environment and biodiversity and in the topic of sustainable development. We want to achieve a dream: we want to give values to our territories, doing the first step to create a better future and a better world for us and for our society. +info
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Our mission and vision is to contribute towards protecting and conserving migratory fish. Through projects that facilitate rehabilitation, ecosystem protection and communication on fish migration, we strive and ultimately look forward to: Healthy migratory fish populations swimming in full abundance; More free-flowing rivers; Communities, specialists, industry and Goverment all working together to create a sustainable and happy environment for humans and fish alike. +info
Institutional logo Founded in 1826, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is an international scientific, conservation and educational charity whose mission is to promote and achieve the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. Our mission is realised through our groundbreaking science, our active conservation projects in more than 50 countries and our two Zoos, ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo. +info


This Project has been funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme, with support from the European Commission

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