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Erasmus programme

Monnet, Mobility for Youth
These are just some of the opportunities that you may have to find grants for yourself to do the first steps to become a Guardian of the Sea, taking part in international initiatives granted by the Programme Erasmus Plus, as individual or as organization.

What is Erasmus Plus?
It’s the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport and it takes place from 2014 to 2020.

Erasmus+ will support:
• Opportunities to study, train, gain work experience or volunteer abroad.
• Education, training and youth sector staff to teach or learn abroad.
• The development of digital education and the use of ICTs.
• Language learning.
• Recognition of skills, including those learned outside the formal education system.
• Strategic partnerships among educational institutions and youth organisations with peers in other countries in both their own sector and other sectors, in order to foster quality improvements and innovation.
• Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances, to address skills gaps and foster entrepreneurship by improving curricula and qualifications through cooperation between the worlds of work and education.
• Loans guarantee facility for master’s degree students to finance their studies in another country.
• Teaching and research on European integration.
• Exchanges, cooperation and capacity building in higher education and the youth sector worldwide.
• Initiatives to foster innovation in pedagogy, and progressive policy reform at national level through Prospective Initiatives.
• Good governance in sport and initiatives against match-fixing, doping, violence, racism and intolerance, particularly in grassroots sport.

Who will benefit?
More than 4 million young people, students and adults will gain experience and skills by studying, training or volunteering abroad through Erasmus+. The programme will also support over 125,000 institutions and organisations to work with peers in other countries to innovate and modernise teaching practice and youth work. Together they will help ensure that young people and adults get the skills they need to succeed in today's world. Erasmus+ replaces seven programmes with one, so it's easier to access.

Why Erasmus+?
Europe must equip its citizens with the education, skills and creativity that they need in a knowledge society. The world is changing fast, and education systems need to modernise and adapt to new ways of teaching and learning and embrace the new opportunities that exist. Education, training and non-formal youth learning are key to creating jobs and improving Europe's competitiveness. That's why Erasmus+ will make a key contribution to addressing these challenges. +info

Some other opportunities

EDGE of Existence
EDGE of Existence programme (conserving the world’s most Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species) invests in conservation at a grass-roots level by helping aspiring conservationists in developing countries to take the lead in researching and conserving their local EDGE species. One of the most effective ways in which the EDGE of Existence programme is working to secure the future of EDGE species is by helping to build conservation capacity in regions in which they occur. This is achieved though awarding two-year fellowships to future conservation leaders (“EDGE Fellows”) working on poorly-known EDGE species. The EDGE Fellows programme aims to create a new global network of in-country conservationists trained in cutting-edge wildlife management techniques and well-equipped to design and implement a project for a local EDGE species. EDGE Fellows follow a comprehensive two-year training programme designed to equip them with the tools to become successful conservation leaders. +info

Royal Geographic Society
The Society's Grants Programme develops new knowledge and advances geographical science, supporting geographical research in the UK and overseas. They include grants for students, expeditions and researchers. +info

National Geographic Grants
Applications can be submitted under three headings: Research, Conservation and Exploration +info

FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
FCT supports the scientific community in Portugal through a range of funding schemes, tailored for individual scientists, research teams or R&D centres. Through competitive calls FCT fund grants, administers, studentships and several types of fellowships.+info

CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research
CIIMAR is a research and advanced training institution which wants to contribute to the knowledge of the ocean as a basis for the sustainable management and exploitation of resources. +info

ARDITI – Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
ARDITI is a private non-profit association that aims to promote and support research and development through funding projects and grants. +info

IEFP- Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional
IEFP is a public service of national employment. Its mission is to promote the creation of employment and to implement effective training programmes. +info

Ciência Viva
This organisation aims to promote public access to scientific culture, mainly among young people. +info

FCG - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
FCG is a charitable foundation with cultural, educational, social and scientific interests. +info


This Project has been funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme, with support from the European Commission

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